Recorded 008
Katt Hernandez and Friends at High Zero 2001:
The Long Awaited Etcetera...

A beautiful record in the High Zero Festival documentation series, featuring Bostonian violinist Katt Hernandez and a host of other improvisors. Hernandez is an exceptionally lyrical and generative microtonal fiddle player with a deep appreciation for middle-eastern music and various folk traditions. She's joined on this disk by various combinations of Dan Breen (clavinet), Charles Cohen (synth), John Dierker (reeds), Helena Espvall-Santoleri (cello), David Gross (reeds), Andrew Hayleck (invented instruments), Catherine Pancake (percussion), Evan Rapport (wind instruments, piano), and Jack Wright (reeds).

$12 (plus add $3.00 for postage in the US; $8.00 outside the U.S.). 100% of the profits from this disk go to benefit the yearly HIG; $8 outside the U.S.)HIZERO FESTIVAL in Baltimore (see