Recorded 007
New American Ethnic Music Volume 3: Hillbilly tape Music
Henry Flynt

The third release in recorded's groundbreaking archival series on the mind-blowing music of Henry Flynt, inventor of virtuosic electronic hillbilly music and other highly developed and idiosynractic genres. This record deals with Flynt's most "electronic" work to date, but the modern-experimental aspects of Flynt's work are, as always, in the service of deeply rooted ecstatic hillbilly sensibility. Opens with the startling "Violin Strobe" and contains pieces which verge on kryptonite rockabilly and tranced-out shades of Bo Didley. As usual, all completely essential, recently unearthed breathtaking music from one of the most original and driven musical minds of the century.

$14 (plus add $3.00 for postage in the US; $8 outside the U.S.).