Recorded 005
Mr. Peabody Goes to Baltimore
Joe McPhee and friends
at the High Zero Festival, 2000

Multi-instrumentalist Joe McPhee (reeds, pocket trumpet, PVC pipe) is one of the great treasures of American improvised music and an player of both stellar range and inspiration. His "PO" music is a highly personal synthesis of jazz, free improvsation, pure sound research, and a subtle and provocative sense of humor. Working since the sixties from his base in his native town of Poughkeepsie, NY, McPhee has collaborated intensely across North America and Europe on a huge range of projects. His music was the initial inspiration for the founding of HAT HUT records and he currently collaborates intensely with the likes of Hammid Drake, Peter Brotzman, Pauline Oliveros, and Joe Giardullo.

On "Mr. Peabody," McPhee is heard at his "OUT" best, catalyzed to higher states of fluid musical strangeness by the likes of monstrously good experimental saxophonist Jack Wright, James Coleman (Theremin), Michael Johnsen (self-built electronics, musical saw, soprano sax), Jerry Lim (electric guitar), Sean Meehan (percussion), and Ian Nagoski (soundfields). This is easily one of the strangest and most rewarding disks of free improvisation from 2001, and stands up to repeated listenings.

$12 (plus add $3.00 for postage in the US). 100% of the profits from this disk go to benefit the yearly HIGH ZERO FESTIVAL in Baltimore (see